Overview on progress filling the map structure
I wanted to see how I was doing on my film by putting the latest stage of each cycle on top of the map/structure of the piece. Getting close to the end only a few weeks before picture-lock.
I wanted to see how I was doing on my film by putting the latest stage of each cycle on top of the map/structure of the piece. Getting close to the end only a few weeks before picture-lock.
Found this wikipedia article on causal loop diagrams and thought of the parallel this idea seem to have with the map I’ve created to structure my film. This is helping a lot to find ways on visualizing how things develop in time on such systems. At the end this is what I am trying… Read more »
I first saw this film during my first year at USC in Christine Panushka’s animation history class. I usually get excited to see animation by independent artists but experiencing this one projected from a film print was very moving and inspiring. I was fascinated by so many aspects of what seems to be a very… Read more »
Here is a wonderful scene from Clint Eastwood film “Gran Torino” that comically illustrates an interesting idea in which Thao is being thought how to talk and behave like a “man”. What interests me is how vulgarity can be both synonymous of great understanding for the other, honest friendship and at the same time violent… Read more »